Friday, October 14, 2011

The Sunset Limited

The Sunset Limited (2011) HBO Made For Television Movie.

Details -
Director: Tommy Lee Jones
Writers: Cormac McCarthy, Cormac McCarthy
Production Co: Professor Productions
Release Date: 12 February 2011 (USA)
Duration: 91 min
Genres: Drama

Cast -
Samuel L. Jackson … Black
Tommy Lee Jones … White

Synopsis -
This is a story about two men with opposite beliefs accidentally meeting each other and then debating about god and atheistism, life and death.

Detail Review -
This movie is one of the best written movies of all times. Entire movie happens in a dark apartment of Samuel L Jackson and he and Tommy Lee Jones are caught into a philosophical debate about life and death. The central idea of the debate is that knowledge is a burden, and the more we know, the more miserable we become. The story is very simple about a man (White) who wants to end his life and about a man (Black) who wants to save his life. Black's character's belief in God is sincere and matched with White's dark, realistic view of the world.

Having said that movie is not as simple as it looks like, it will definitely leave a deep impact on your beliefs and will provoke you to think again .. and again. The entire beauty of this film is about it's architecture and design, hats off to Tommy Lee Jones for giving such an amazing treatment to McCarthy's words. The biggest success of this film is haunting dialogs and the way they are delivered. Just to understand the gravity have a look at following dialogs -

Black: Belief 'aint like unbelief. If you're a believer and you finally got to come to the well of belief itself , then you 'aint got to look no further. There 'aint no further. But the unbelievers got a problem. He's set out to unravel the world. For everything he can point to that 'aint true, he leaves two false things laying there.

White: Banish the fear of death from men's hearts and they would not live a day.

In the end This movie will definitely take you deeper inside you and will make you wipe the dust from your bible.

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